When Christian's use the phrase, "let me pray about it," it's usually code language for "no."
Fellowshipping with Christians over a meal is one of my
favorite hobbies. I’ve had many occasions where I sat in restaurants with other
Christians. Not once during those occasions have I ever heard any of them say “
me pray about it” when the waitress or waiter came over to the table to take
their order.
Yet when it comes to some of the simplest things in life that are
presented to us—if some risk or self-denial is involved—many Christians are
quick to shroud the ordeal in religious jargon.
Certainly, there are times when we should give a matter over to
the Lord and seek His mind on it. I have done this many times in my life and
will continue to do so.
But in most situations, I believe knowing the Lord’s will is a
matter of spiritual instinct and/or of exercising wisdom.1
So what’s my point?
I’m certainly not suggesting that we give up the practice of
bringing things to the Lord’s attention and seeking His mind on them, especially
those matters that are complex and where our response will affect the lives of
others. But “Let me pray about it” has become the universal answer that
Christians give to undesired requests.
Forgive the personal illustration, but I think it may help some readers.
When I have been faced with a crisis and I need the Lord’s precise guidance, I
have set myself apart for three days to seek His face on the matter.
In every case, God has been faithful to give me clarity at some
point during that three-day period. So I’m not against bringing vital matters
before the Lord to discern His mind.
Such cases, however, are the exceptions. As Christians, we possess
a mind. We possess a frame of reference where we know by instinct or wisdom
what our responses should be in most
What I’m really getting at in this chapter is a plea for honesty.
And an exhortation to not make things “religious” when they don’t need to be.
I believe revising ourselves from this sort of Christian code
language will take us a long way in reflecting the honesty and integrity that’s
a part of our new identity in Christ.
From Revise Us Again by Frank Viola, author